Private Equity



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Brown Bag

  • Introduce yourself to an interested audience of students
  • Cover current topics and relate them to the company's activities
  • Give students the opportunity to talk to you directly at the brown bag lunch​

Companies get the opportunity to introduce themselves to an interested audience of students of the University of Zurich and ETH at the Brown Bag Lunches, which are held weekly during the semester (usually on Thursdays) at the university or online during corona crises. In addition to an actual company presentation, it is always particularly interesting when current topics related to the company or business cases are presented in order to give the students an even better insight.

At the stand-up lunch afterwards, students have the opportunity to get to know representatives of the companies in an informal atmosphere and perhaps already make initial contacts with a view to possible internships, part-time positions or even permanent employment.​​


Ardian is a world-leading private investment house part-owned by its employees. We manage or advise $156bn across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Middle East, on behalf of governments, institutions, pension funds and high-net-worth investors. We are an entrepreneurial business, focused on supporting talented management teams to build sustainable, growing companies. We are committed to sharing our success as widely as possible – with investors, with employees in the companies we support and with society at large.


Further information to follow.